Centar za promociju civilnog društva (CPCD) under the SMART Balkans project organize an open discussion with Miklos Barabas, director of European House and coordinator of Danubiana network, on How and why CSOs from BiH should be involved in EU mainstream civil processes, which will take place in CPCD premises in Sarajevo, on May 24th 2023 at 15:00hrs.
Aware of the fact that civil society organizations in BiH are not sufficiently networked and connected with the European civil processes, we decided to organize a discussion with Mr. Barabas and representatives of the BiH organizations in order to:
This discussion is just the beginning of intensifying cooperation and encouraging organizations to establish sustainable and purposeful connections with organizations, networks and institutions from Europe in order to expand coverage, be more successful in advocacy and improve their work.
Working language is English.
The DANUBIANA NETWORK seeks to enhance intra- and cross sectoral cooperation among the stakeholders of the EUSDR, find synergies with other macro-regional strategies of the European Union including the Baltic Sea and the Adriatic-Ionian strategies. The Network has an open and inclusive character with a bottom-up approach.
The SMART Balkans– Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans project is implemented by Centar za promociju civilnog društva (CPCD), together with partner organizations from Albania – IDM and North Macedonia- CRPM. It is financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a grant worth more than 17 million EUR.