SMART Balkans Project announces a Public Call for Impact Assessors, who are responsible for the competent support with the in-depths impact assessment of the grant applicants and observation of the applicants’ significance and role in the society, effects and results of their activities.
The Centar za promociju civilnog društva (CPCD), in partnership with Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) from North Macedonia, and Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) from Albania, is implementing SMART Balkans – Civil Society for shared society in the Western Balkans project, which contributes to strengthening participatory democracies and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans region. The project aims to create a solid foundation for sustainable development in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Some of the topics of this project are the fight against organized crime, prevention of radicalization (including violent extremism), reconciliation through intercultural dialogue, reforms in Euro-Atlantic integration, human rights and gender equality (including domestic violence), support for freedom of speech and independent media. The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, with a grant worth over 17 million EUR.
The focus of the SMART Balkans Project is distribution of more than 450 grants (Core Grants, Media Grants, Local Initiatives, Creative Box, National Interventions, Regional Grants, Ad Hoc Grants) and capacity building of CSOs, media and civic groups and campaigns, all related to two thematic areas: Security and stability and Governance, with strong regional cooperation aspect.
Core grants, together with tailored capacity building, will enable civil society organizations (CSOs) to improve their organizational capacity and encourage them to refocus their strategic focus on their core mission. This approach frees CSOs from the pressures created by short-term project financing and focusing on donor priorities. The Core grant is intended for CSOs that achieve a significant impact in area of security and stability and governance and that have the potential for even greater impact.
Pool of Impact Assessors will be created for each country (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia) composed by at least 3 assessors.
Assessors will do impact assessment using different methods of data collection and analysis, based on the developed methodology, where a field visits to the assessed organizations and its stakeholders will be carried out.
Objectives and Expected Results
The purpose of this Public Call is to establish pools of Impact Assessors to support grants management decision-making processes for Core Grants applicants.
There are 2 planned Public Calls for Applications for Core Grants, in June 2022 and 2023.
Engaged Impact Assessors will use offline Civil Society Organization Capacity Assessment Tool (CSO CAT), as a systematic and easy-to-use assessment tool that can provide qualitative and quantitative overview of the internal administrative, financial, security, human resources, mobilization of the citizens, public relationships, management capacities. In addition, it should provide an overview of the role and type of the organization in accordance with the main programs, projects, activities, and results achieved in the last 5 years.
Based on the initial capacity assessment of potential grantees, Impact assessors will use data sources for basic analysis of CSO sector in order to measure the progress or impact of capacity building and Core Grant programs on organizational development, their impact on the community and importance to society as well as their potential for growth.
Impact-focused Assessment Report will focus on Core Grants beneficiaries for whom the project would create positive, long-lasting change, even if faced with resource constraints when managing projects.
Scope of Work
Impact assessors will be trained in order to ensure common understanding and the use of CSO CAT tool.
Project staff will assign one or more impact assessors the task of doing an impact assessment based on the CSO CAT tool. Assessors will do impact assessment using different methods of data collection and analysis, but a field visit to the organization and its stakeholders is essential.
Impact assessment will be one of steps in process of selecting organizations that will be awarded with Core Grant.
Selection of Assessors:
Received applications for Impact Assessors will be considered upon receipt, ending with deadline for submission of applications on August 22, 2022. Selected candidates will be invited for interviews and testing. First preparatory workshop will be organized in the period from 29.08. to 09.09.2022. In accordance with the plan for publishing calls for grant applications, the first round of impact assessors’ engagement is planned for September 2022 on the assessment of received applications for Core Grants.
Impact Assessors cannot have any conflicts of interest or the appearance of such with regard to the organizations whose applications are under evaluation and in assessment process.
After signing the service contract and the Declaration of Non-Existent Conflict of Interest, the Impact Assessor will be assigned to the specific applicants for which he/she will prepare an assessment report.
How to Apply:
This call is open to all residents of 6 countries included in the SMART Balkans Project: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia:
Necessary documents for applicants from Albania:
Thirrja publike për vlerësues impakti Albania
Shtojca 1 – Formulari i aplikimit NO 005 AL/2022-1
Shtojca 2 – Deklarata e Integritetit NO 005 AL/2022-1
Necessary documents for applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Javni poziv za procjenitelje/ice uticaja OCD u BiH
Prilog 1 – Aplikacijski obrazac NO 001 05/2022
Prilog 2 – Izjava časti NO 001 05/2022
Necessary documents for applicants from Montenegro:
Javni poziv za procjenitelje/ice uticaja OCD u Crnoj Gori
Prilog 1 – Aplikacijski obrazac NO 001 07/2022
Prilog 2 – Izjava časti NO 001 07/2022
Necessary documents for applicants from North Macedonia:
Јавен повик за проценители/ки на влијание на граѓански организации (ГО) за С. Македонија
Анекс 1 – Формулар за аплицирање 015 07/2022
Анекс 2 – Изјава за чест 015 07/2022
Necessary documents for applicants from Kosovo:
Thirrja publike për vlerësues impakti – Javni poziv za procenjivače uticaja OCD KOS
Shtojca 1 – Forma e Aplikimit për Vlerësues Impakti – Prilog 1 – Prijavni formular
Shtojca 2 – Deklarata e Integritetit – Prilog 2 Izjava časti
Necessary documents for applicants from Serbia:
Javni poziv za procenitelje/ice uticaja OCD u Srbiji
Prilog 1 – Prijavni obrazac NO 016 07/2022
Prilog 2 – Izjava časti NO 016 07/2022
This call is open until 22/08/2022.