
Gender Budget Watchdog Network II

Centar za promociju civilnog društva (CPCD) is implementing a four-year project (2022 – 2026) titled Strengthening Transparency and Accountability for Gender Equality in Western Balkans and […]


“E-Upoznajemo” project implemented by Centar za promociju civilnog društva in parthership with the EU Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina aims to contribute to the understanding and acceptance of the advantages that the EU has for the citizens of B&H.

SMART Balkans – Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans

Main focus of the project is distribution of more than 450 grants, capacity building of CSOs and campaigns, all related to two thematic areas: Security and stability and Governance, with strong regional cooperation aspect.

Think Nature!

“Think Nature!” is a four-and-a-half-year project implemented by the Center for the Promotion of Civil Society (CPCD), and financially supported by Sweden in the amount of […]



Impact of COVID-19 on Civil Society in BiH

“Impact of COVID-19 on Civil Society in BiH” is the name of a one-year project implemented by the Civil Society Promotion Center with the financial support […]

Independent Media Empowerment Program (IMEP)

The Independent Media Empowerment Program (IMEP) is USAID funded five-year program implemented by the Center for Civil Society Promotion (CCSP). IMEP supports media independence and freedom of expression in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Treasury of B&H Innovations

Treasury of B&H Innovations is a project implemented by Center for Civil Society Promotion (CCSP) and financially supported by the Islamic Development Bank. The aim of this project is to guide young people through the process of innovation, encourage them to explore opportunities, and empower them to discover new ways to improve our community.

Digital competences in Sarajevo schools

Through a four-month project, the teachers had the opportunity to practice the acquired knowledge, and integrate it into practical teaching.

Politics out of my pocket

The second generation of the TAG group (TAG 2.0.) empowers politicians in the Local Elections 2016 in the field of budgeting.