
“Think nature!” June: Competition for Eco journalists announced

Visits to schools continued, this time mainly in the Krajina region, ie in Glamoč, Mrkonjić Grad, Banja Luka, Čelinac, Gradiška, and Prnjavor. What has been noticed […]

“Think Nature!” May: Visits to Schools

We visited Arijana Mangafić Aćimović, a member of the group “I plant, and you?”, who often delights us with pictures of her mini garden, during May. […]

Invitation to organizations to participate in the survey of civil society organizations capacity

Annual survey on the assessment of the capacity of civil society organizations for the development of guidelines for civil society for 2020 At the link: https://forms.office.com/r/UE99VMQ68B […]

“Think Nature!” April: New initiatives and awards for young people

The initiative “My ECO steps” was launched for young people this month. On the occasion of the upcoming International Earth Day, in collaboration with Irma Kohel, […]

Presentation of a Gender Budget Watchdog Network Report

The Center for Civil Society Promotion (CCSP) is organizing a presentation of the report titled “Gender Fiscal Analysis of the Budget Response to COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

The BCSDN Regional Hub: Call for applications for Ad-Hoc Grants

As part of the Regional Civil Society Hub, the Balkan Civil society Network (BCSDN) presents a Call for Ad-Hoc Grants to address the challenges for civil […]